Where Largo Preneste, Rome

Time 5 pm

Language Italian

We are happy to invite you to the second appointment of the AS IF Book Tour, realised in collaboration with IUNO , which will take place in Rome on the 15th of March.


AS IF – 16 Dialogues about Sheep, Black Holes, and Movement, the reader edited by Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo published on the occasion of Lungomare’s 20th anniversary together with Spector Books, is presented in an international tour of events.


For this appointment, we invite you to take part to the urban walk across the Pigneto district guided by Nasrin Mohiti Asli and Juan López Cano (orizzontale), together with Cecilia Canziani and Erika Mayr besides the editors Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo. The meeting point is at 5pm at Largo Preneste, then we will pass by the Bullicante Lake, where some readings from the AS IF volume will take place. After that, we will reach Libreria Leporello where, at 7pm, there will be a final exchange with the authors, as well as the book signing and a special honey tasting.


If you are in Rome, do not miss the opportunity to participate to the second event of the AS IF tour, to discuss together about artistic processes, practices and much more.


You will also find some copies of the Special Edition created by Martino Gamper.


::: AS IF Book Tour :::
Friday 15.03.2024, Rome


Urban walk
Largo Preneste (Stop Metro C Malatesta)


Presentation of the book
Libreria Leporello


>> Confirmation of participation to info@lungomare.org