Tue., 17 May – Fri., 9 September 2022
Where at Lungomare, via Rafenstein 12, Bolzano
Time Tue - Fri: 14:00 - 18:00, or by appointment
Angelika Burtscher, Daniele LupoArtists
Karl Unterfrauner, Ludwig Thalheimer + Susanne WaizPhotographic contributions
Claudia CorrentUpcoming
with Claudia Corrent, Karl Unterfrauner, Ludwig Thalheimer + Susanne Waiz
In the context of FLUX FRAGMENTS, COLLECTION I, Lungomare presents the first photographic collection by Claudia Corrent created for FLUX. In the photo series “Oltrefiume”, the photographer superimposes image fragments, historical city views, snapshots of the past and present and thus interweaves memory and future to sketch new imaginary worlds for the river space. Visible and invisible layers tell of fears and dreams, of non-human creatures that claim spaces for themselves, and of people who continuously change spaces with their actions. Claudia Corrent’s work describes how lived memory and the wish production of today are closely interwoven when we want to shape and change cities.
COLLECTION I also features the photo and sound work “Homeless in Bolzano” by Ludwig Thalheimer and Susanne Waiz. Ludwig Thalheimer’s photos show what we normally don’t see, even though it happens right on our doorstep: people who are forced to live in inhumane conditions, who have also lost their place in society while fleeing. But homelessness is worldwide. In Europe and in a city like Vienna, which is known for its municipal social housing, homelessness takes on frightening forms. Susanne Waiz combines the voices of people who are professionally involved with homelessness into a fictional dialogue.
The photographic work “Neophytes” by Karl Unterfrauner shows three plants along the river Talfer that have settled along the river consciously or accidentally with the help of humans. Together with the researcher and biologist Georg Niedrist (Institute for Alpine Environment, Eurac Research), in 2010 the artist researched these and very many other “immigrant” plants. They came across 2,758 species, about 15% of which have only recently settled in the Alpine habitat. The photographic work shows the various plant species in their natural environment in the Eisack Valley along the Brenner motorway and the Talfer River.