Donne, come lottano, pensano, parlano, agiscono, amano — Wie Frauen kämpfen, denken, reden, handeln, lieben

Summer School Südtirol 2023

The Summer School Südtirol provides public discussion relating to urgent contemporary questions. To this end, an annual series of events is organised in which authors, artists and experts are invited to speak. Lungomare has supported this project as a companion and partner from its outset, together with providing the design for the communication materials. The constant of the design strategy developed for this purpose is nothing more than the logo, a lettering without embellishments. The various image concepts address every year’s topic and translate it into a visual language.

2023: Donne, come lottano, pensano, parlano, agiscono, amano
 — Wie Frauen kämpfen, denken, reden, handeln, lieben


Summer School Südtirol 2023 sees women coming from Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Poland, South Tyrol, and Ukraine as main protagonists. These women are fighting for equality, defending democratic rights, and resisting autocracies. Their courage pushes them to the forefront of major protest movements and popular uprisings, often unnoticed and unacknowledged.

Visual identity: a map of languages and alphabets


The graphic design aims to emphasise the determination of these women in pursuing their ideals, discovering alternative paths, and opening new ways of resistance. Typography is depicted as a map of languages and alphabets, with a yellow line running from top to bottom of the poster, tracing unseen directions and symbolising a common force transcending nationality.


The front of the poster features words in outlines of different languages forming the background, with titles breaking away from the typography through color contrast. Large-format typography and repetition of text in different languages create a poster-manifesto accessible to all communities, with a powerful call to action.


The back of the poster contains the program of the 2023 edition, with contents alternating through a hierarchy of colours.



Commissioned by

Summer School Südtirol


Castel Velturno, Schloss Velthurns

Graphic design team

Lungomare (Angelika Burtscher, Lucrezia Caon, Daniele Lupo)

Photo Documentation

Lungomare (Paola Boscaini)

In collaboration with

SAAV (Südtiroler Autorinnen- und Autorenvereinigung, NIDS (Neues Institut für Dramatisches Schreiben), WW (Wiener Wortstätten, NMT (Netzwerk der Münchner Theatertexter:innen)

With the support of

Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Alto Adige: Deutsche Kultur, Siftung Fondazione Sparkasse, Forum Austriaco di Cultura, Bildungsausschuss Feldthurns


Goethe Institut, Gasthof Wöhrmaurer, Barfuss, Rai Südtirol,, Straßenzeitung zebra