I see me. And you and you and you

les cerises, the publishing project of silent books by Angelika Burtscher, Agnese and Cecilia Canziani and Daniele Lupo, presents its new book I see me. And you and you and you by Adelaide Cioni.

I see me. And you and you and you is conceived like a silent abecedary or a handbook on the body: a multiple body, which offers itself to our gaze by details and fragments, the body of a girl and the body of a boy, which become the body of a woman, the body of a man, a sexual body, a body that is skin – and skin is many colours, shades, possibilities.


The body portrayed by Adelaide Cioni is a naked body to look at, because by discovering ourselves, we discover and understand others as well. Pocket size, easy to hold for little hands, this book is for curious eyes to look at themselves and to imagine what they will look like as adults.


Printed in 700 copies, the book, whose graphic design is conceived by Lungomare, contains 64 original plates made by the artist in acrylic and ink.

les cerises is a publishing project of silent books commissioned to artists, designers, architects, who are invited to make a children’s book for the first time. The books are published as limited editions.


Form, material and size are each time discussed with the author, so that they can be interpreted and narrated by children themselves – and by adults, too. The reader is asked to add their own words to the visual stories, thus making them every time different, ever-changing, new, and multilingual.


You can find all the editorial project designed for les cerises in the Lupo Burtscher Archive.






les cerises


Adelaide Cioni

Photo Documentation

Elisa Cappellari


les cerises